San Diego County Employers: What to Do When 1 or 3 or More COVID-19 Cases Are Identified At Work
If you are a business owner operating in the County of San Diego you are greatly encouraged to keep up-to-date with regulations imposed on employers. Save and favorite the following link:
On Thursday, July 30, 2020, San Diego County officials released a new public order indicating what action an employer must take when:
- one (1) employee is diagnosed with COVID-19; and
- three (3) or more employees are diagnosed with COVID-19.
Paragraph 16 of the Order states:
16. Each essential business and reopened business shall:
a.Require all employees/on-site contractors (hereinafter referred to as employees) to have possession of face coverings and wear them as described in section 9 above when in the business facility; and,
b.Shall conduct temperature screening of all employees and prohibit entry to the workplace of employees with a temperature of 100 degrees or more, employees exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms as described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or employees who have recently been exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (either directly or through a breach of Personal Protective Equipment in the case of healthcare workers/first responders); and
c.Take all of the following actions if an employer becomes aware that an employee is diagnosed with COVID-19:
i.Promptly notify the County Department of Public Health that there is an employee diagnosed with COVID-19, together with the name, date of birth, and contact information of the employee.
ii.Cooperate with the County Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 response team to identify and provide contact information for any persons exposed by the employee at the workplace.
iii.When three or more cases are identified at the workplace within a span of 14 days, provide notice of the exposure to any employees, customers, or any other persons who may have been exposed to COVID-19 at the workplace. A strong recommendation is made that employers also provide such notice when at least one employee is diagnosed with COVID-19 in the workplace.
(image added for clarity)